Friday 13 February 2015

Pompom cover for old monkey

Hi, this is monkey and today he got a new cover for his bed, made out of many pompoms. I'll show you how it is made. I got this idea from a book, probably from the seventies.

Here are the pompoms from up close.

It is done on a frame (made out of a painters canvas. The linen is being taken off). Lots of nails 2cm apart, sock wool  leftovers from one nail to the other, up and down until the frame is full.

At the crossings the threads are being tied up. Not with wool, I tried, but it is better to use strong thin unbreakable sewing thread.

After that I cut the threads in between every square like above BUT SAVE THE TWO BOTTOM THREADS!! This way the pompoms stay tied together forming a little blanket.

Cut loose from the frame.

After the cutting is finished, rub the pompoms with your hands to make them fluffy and spray with a little water so all the pompoms get even more fluffy.

Monkey is off to bed with his new pompom cover.

He doesn't need help....


Nice and warm....

Goofie (our dachshund or teckel of 14) needed to inspect the new blanket.

By the way, this monkey is probably English, more then a 100 years old, he has real 'shoe button' eyes and is filled with excelsior.  I'm being told that he is a very  rare stuffed monkey.

Monkey couldn't sleep, had lots of things to think about so.....

Lizzy (our dachshund or teckel of 6) gave him a goodnight hug  :)

Have a good weekend!!!!!!




Nifty Quilts said...

What a beautiful new cover for your very special monkey! Thank you for showing how to make it. Looks like something fun to do with extra yarn. Wishing you a good weekend too!

Vera said...

What an interesting technique! Looks great! Fun picutres too :)

Rachaeldaisy said...

What a wonderful pompom blanket!! I've never seen one like it. Your monkey is very cute, he looks very cosy in his bed with a quilt and blanket.

ineke said...

Slaap lekker en fijn weekend. ineke

Jantine Urban said...

What a genius blanket, I have to remember! Love your monkey!

Jenny said...

That is a very clever idea indeed - I have never seen such a pattern. Your 100 year old monkey looks nice and warm all tucked up in his bed.

Unknown said...

Dag Annemiek,
Wat een extreem goed idee, zeg!
Dat wil ik heel graag ook eens uitproberen. Je hebt het heel erg duidelijk uitgelegd.
Zou ook mooi zijn voor een tas, of voor een bloemenmand.
Kijk nu! Ineens krijg ik weer heel veel inspiratie. (en zo weinig tijd)

Unknown said...

Vergeet ik nog te schrijven dat Goofie en Lizzy heel lief met Monkey omgaan.
Zijn ze niet jaloers op zijn deken?
Zouden ze er niet zelf willen op liggen?