My friend Teri and I had a very big happy and busy week together in the USA, where we met for the first time after writing lots of e-mails to one and other.
One of the things we did was visit the AQS Lancaster quiltshow.
One of the quilts there was Teri's:

My picture was not good so instead I show you this one above, where you can see all the marvelous quilting in the background. It is a whole cloth quilt and there is free hand embroidery on it and free motion quilting in the background.
A few other quilts:
This quilt is from Margaret Solomon Gunn (Gorham, ME) If you want to see more of her click on her name, it is worth it, I think.
'Ben's midnight garden' Barbara Korengold (Chevy Chase, MD)
Sarah's Revival in blue' by Gail H. Smith an Karen C Mc tavish (North Barrington, IL)
'Captain Kimo' by Nancy Sterett Martin (Owensboro, KY)
'White Wisteria' by Keiko Yoshida (Japan)
'Blue plate special ' by Susan Stewart (Pittsburgh, KS)
'Life' by Yoshiko Katagiri, circles made from kimono fabrics.
A miniature quilt showing a ballet dancer, inspired by Degas (painter), made by Bethanne Nemesh (Allentown, Pa)
There will be more in a next post,
Happy Sunday today,
woooooooh,.... ben er stil van,....
daar kan je alleen maar met stille verwondering naar kijken..........
Thank you for sharing your photos. These quilts are amazing!
Hoi A Annemieke leuk tripje met mooie quilts. Wat een verschil met de quilts die hier ziet langskomen.Groetjes ineke
Dank je wel dat je dit met ons deeld ! Wat een pracht !!!!!
Dat noem ik dus echt KUNST....
Wat een bijzondere reis en enig om dan iemand te ontmoeten waar je al lang op de digitale manier contact mee hebt. Geniet ervan.
Wat een geweldige reis! Ik hoop dat ik volgend jaar de show ook mag zien!
Simplemente precioso, que delicia
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