Last week I visited my friend in Ohio, USA. We had a great time, did some sightseeing and went shopping. The quilting fabrics are very cheap for me there.
Ik vond tientallen quilt tijdschriften. Moelijk om er een paar uit te kiezen.
It was difficult to choose from all the different quilt-mgazines...
Hier staan de Amish paard en wagens geparkeerd. We zagen er erg veel rijden.
This is where all the Amish horse wagons were parked. We saw a lot off them.
Het was erg mooi weer dus de was hing overal, vaak erg hoog, te drogen. Zo ook hier de Amish jurken aan de lijn.
The weather was beautiful and obviously a great time for drying the laundry outside. Here you see all the coloured Amish dresses.
Er lag nog erg veel ijs op het Erie meer en zag er sprookjes-achtig uit.
There was still a lot of ice on lake Erie. It makes a beautiful picture.
Schitterende huizen!!!
Beautiful Houses!!!
Het lijkt erop dat je dit kan eten....maar nee hoor, dit zijn hondensnoepjes!?
No this is not something people eat.... but they are for sale in the petstore!? I'm sure I never saw something like this in the Netherlands!
Als ik foto's heb van de quiltstoffen laat ik ze gauw zien.
I will show the quilt fabrics as soon as I made pictures of them.
What a beautiful place to visit! I love all the horse and carts lined up!!
Such a nice trip! The pet treats look good enough to eat!
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